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Ligand Shape-based alignment of small molecules is a widely used approach in computer-aided drug discovery, such as search accessible chemical space to find analogues to the hit series, or discovery new chemical starting points for a novel target.
The critical feature of a ligand similarity algorithm is to efficiently discern active and similar inactive compounds during the screening of large Databases.
4Dshape+ Sim GUI
Datawarrior plugin for linux and windows.
4Dshape+ Similarity Module
Fast, effective multiple ligands shape-based screening
4Dshape+ Sim module uses the 3D chemical features of active and inactive ligands to create a 4D-fingerprint (3D-structures + 1D inactive structures) which can then be used in multiple ligand shape-based similarity search.
Features and Applications of 4Dshape+ similarity module:
Quickly locates plausible and unique pharmacophores of the active ligands in which pharmacophores from similar inactive ligands (decoys) are removed.
Generates a unique fingerprint of multiple-ligands features using the proprietary 4D-fingerprints algorithm.
Screen Databases using the fingerprint of single or multiple active molecules (Queries).
The ligand structures are treated flexible during the similarity search.
Virtual screening combines structural flexibility on-the-fly and/or ensemble of conformers of the ligand database to accurately prioritize chemical structures with diverse shapes, sizes, and composition (“scaffold hopping”).
Swiftly and accurately prioritizes chemical structures by screening databases of billions of molecules.
Predicts off-target (Drug Repurposing) and selectivity of lead compounds (toxicity prediction).
Provides accurate Multiple ligand shape-based alignment for 3D-QSAR application.
Fast screening of small molecule libraries using multiple bound ligands to the receptor in a single run.
Includes an on-the-fly tunable Scoring function to better suit the structural scaffolds of interest.
Provides a rapid pre-screening tool that can be seamlessly integrated with molecular docking.
Easily runs the similarity search module and visualizes the results using the Datawarrior plugin.​
Multiple ligand shape-based search algorithm produce higher early enrichment than traditional single query similarity.
Hit rate (HR) Result at 1% of DUDE database (102 targets) using multiple queries-shape based 4Dshape+ Sim module.
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